Ashley F.

After some initial hesitation, I decided to sign up for the 2022 Spring Cleanse with Candice. At the time, cutting out caffeine, alcohol, dairy, and sugar seemed overwhelming to think about. I’m really glad I did it! I learned that a cleanse isn’t just about restrictions – with Candice’s guidance, the focus is more on what you are adding to your diet, and why. The live zoom meetings were super helpful to me in explaining why we were pausing certain foods or adding others. Through the Facebook group, I  was able to see that others were having the same struggles at certain points during the cleanse. And the recipes were tasty, filling, and broadened my thinking on how to incorporate more vegetables and grains into my diet.

After the cleanse, I felt less stressed and irritable, and I truly felt that my digestion had improved. While I eventually returned to my prior diet, I have been thinking a lot about eating a more plant based diet and have looked into Ayurvedic cookbooks. I’m looking forward to the next cleanse to help me along!