Post-Covid Syndrome: Is It You? It Was Me…

What a crazy time we live in! I find myself talking about time in terms of pre- and post-COVID nowadays, and for good reason.
It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, and I’ve been sitting on this one for quite a while as I’ve watched events unfold in my life and my practice. Since my last blog was written, I’ve been busy building not only my business but my life. This has been such a transformative time for me, the fire or Pitta time of my life coming to fruition. My husband, Phill, and I welcomed two beautiful baby boys, Leo and Asa, and we are living a dream come true since moving to our home in Brookline, NH.
My practice has been changing and growing as I’ve undergone new training in biomagnetism, and it has integrated seamlessly with my other offerings. Biomagnetism is an amazing modality that targets the root causes of illness, addressing things like infections in the body, unresolved emotions, and restoring balance to body systems. In particular, and close to my heart, is the use of biomagnetism in the case of Lyme disease. It is so highly effective in relieving symptoms and bringing the body’s brilliance back to life that if I had to go through my own battle with Lyme again, I would choose biomagnetism as the first course of action.
And now, in this post-COVID world, a newly developed protocol to treat post-COVID or Long COVID effects has been created, and let me tell you, it is a game changer. There are so many similarities between the presentation of Lyme disease and COVID, as they are each great imitators. The presentation of symptoms is vast and varied from person to person, and treatment baffles even the greatest minds in Western medicine. A direct quote from the National Institutes of Health states, “As many as 23 million Americans may have symptoms of Long COVID. Many are unaware that their symptoms were brought on by a COVID-19 infection.” I was one of these people.
Little did I know, after getting sick with strep throat in March of 2023 and developing the craziest skin rash (for someone who has always been blessed with what I would call beautiful skin), it would lead me down another road of stumping doctors and holistic practitioners alike. It felt like déjà vu from when I was trying to figure out the severe onset of joint pain and inflammation in 2008. The rash initially looked like scarlet fever, so that’s what I was told it was and that it would clear on its own. Fast forward a year, and the rash was still widespread and now classified as psoriasis. I was told to use steroid creams (which didn’t work), UV light therapy (which didn’t work), or to take injections of immunosuppressants for the rest of my life (which I didn’t do). At the same time, I exhausted all avenues within my holistic bubble, with very little progress made and new spots still constantly appearing. This is when I was invited to embark on a brand-new biomagnetic training. This protocol was developing in real time with the help of several practitioners and their clients, with Joan Randall as the brilliant mind at the forefront. Still, I had no clue that my symptoms could be related to having had COVID at some point. Now I know COVID as a great excavator. It seems to have the ability to light up old childhood illnesses or symptom pathways, making people think things like resolved Lyme disease is back, but in reality, it is a post-COVID effect in the body.
Once the training began, Joan Randall (developer and amazing intuitive mind) asked the participants to keep an eye out for chronic symptoms that would not resolve. Things like rashes, coughs, heart problems, lung infections, joint and leg pain, hormonal imbalances, eye and ear issues—just to name a few. My mind lit up when I heard her say the word “rash,” and I raised my hand to say that I had an unresolved rash for a year. I was then used as a “guinea pig” to help further develop the Post-COVID protocol. Through muscle testing, it was discovered that my rash symptoms were 100% related to COVID. Once magnets were placed on my body, the rash began to clear, and now, to this day, I do not have any new patches or spots of psoriasis on my skin.
So, if you or someone you know is suffering from unresolved, chronic symptoms in this post-COVID world we are living in, consider giving biomagnetism a try. Like me, it may not be obvious. Since training with Joan in January 2024, I have seen miraculous recoveries with both myself and my clients—people who have had more life-threatening symptoms than a persistent rash. Feel free to email me or send me a text to discuss any questions you may have: or 978-242-7451.
All my best, and here’s to a happy and healthy 2025,