Mud Season, Woof!

Are you feeling a bit sluggish? Stuck in the mud? Well you aren’t alone!
Spring season is affectionately referred to as the mud season, and for good reasons.
This time of year the snow has melted and new life is sprouting everywhere we look. We see the elements of earth and water very distinctly. When earth and water mix, mud forms.
This same thaw is happening in our bodies leaving our mucus membranes in the nasal passageways and intestines a bit bogged down. If we don’t tend to this heaviness inside the body, the accumulation of mucus will overwhelm our system and lead to sinus congestion, allergies, sluggish bowels, lethargy, and weight gain. Oy!!
Not to fear, nature has the answer! Spring is nature’s New Year, the time for spring cleaning for the body and mind. Utilizing what is in season at this time of year to balance out the excess insulation we built over the long winter will serve to aid in our body’s natural shedding processes.
Just as we have sheltered ourselves from the harsh winter elements, we have also interrupted our innate ties with the natural world and the cues we receive from nature. In order to get back in tune with this rhythm, I am leading a 21 day reset beginning Friday May 3rd. I encourage those who are interested in losing weight, improving digestion, boosting health, and preparing their body for the next cycle to come with a partner and share the health.
21 days of providing the body what it needs and craves at this time of year. No gimmicks, only real food made simple. Herbs to kindle your digestive fire will be provided according to each individual’s constitution to help aid in the detoxification process. I will accompany participants on a guided grocery shopping adventure and we will meet weekly for seasonally inspired nutrition gatherings. You will receive recipes and step by step instructions on how to navigate your 21 day reset. The health investment is $200 and if you bring a partner you receive ½ off the second entry.
Get ready to feel lighter, clearer, more focused and more in tune with your body’s natural rhythm.
Please feel free to reach out via email, phone, or just come by the office. I look forward to working with you and partnering in health!
Much love,